Christian Living, Biblical Encouragement

17 Biblical Facts That Might Encourage Non-Believers to Pause For Thought

Have you ever stopped and wondered why a third of the world’s population is drawn to Christianity? Christianity has remarkable aspects that can offer valuable and intriguing insights, especially for those who don’t share this faith yet. Here are 20 biblical facts that make you pause and consider Christian teachings’ profound impact and credibility.

Historical Accuracy

Open bible against the sunlight
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The Bible isn’t just a religious book; it’s also a valuable historical resource. It provides details about ancient cities and has been validated through historical records and archaeological finds. The existence of many places and figures mentioned in the Bible has already been confirmed through various research and studies.

Fulfilled Prophecies

silhouette of jesus praying on a hill old prophecy

Numerous prophecies from the Old Testament are believed to have been fulfilled in the life of Jesus (New Testament). The most popular example is regarding the Messiah who would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), which was fulfilled through the account of Jesus’ birth.

The Resurrection of Jesus

The Second Coming of Jesus
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Jesus’ resurrection was a transformative event that changed how people view Christianity. Early Christian writings and witness testimonies support the claim that Jesus rose from the dead, setting a strong foundation for Christianity.

Impact on History and Civilization

city view open bible and cross history and civilization
Image Credit: Chalermphon /

A closer look at Western civilization will reveal how Christianity influenced and impacted its laws and cultural norms. Some practices and traditions that we have today are based on early Christian teachings, such as the observance of Sunday as a day of rest.

Consistency of Manuscripts

An ancient Hebrew scribe writing Hebrew letters on a parchment in a temple of Babylon
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The Bible has existed for more than 2000 years and has been translated into hundreds of languages, but the biblical texts have remained consistent throughout. These texts have been handled with meticulous care, which is why the core message has been preserved over time.

Moral Teachings

ten commandments
Image Credit: Rob Birkbeck /

The moral principles that were derived from the Bible continue to be relevant and valuable in the modern world. Even though the Bible was written in a different historical context, its teachings on ethics and morality continue to offer guidance and insight.

The Spread of Christianity

Concept of Christian ministry. Small groups pray together for Christian mission. Mission to spread the gospel and religion of Christianity around the world
Image Credit: Doidam 10 /

Over the years, Christianity has experienced persecution and opposition. Despite this, it thrived and spread rapidly in the Roman Empire, a testament to the compelling nature of Christianity’s message.

Diversity of Authors

diverse group of people
Image Credit: – Yuri A /

The Bible took centuries to complete, and various authors gave their unique accounts and perspectives. Yet, it still presents a cohesive narrative, which some view as a sign of divine inspiration.

Biblical Archaeology

Biblical Archaeology dead sea scrolls
Image Credit: Hebrewish Designs /

Archaeological evidence provides a tangible link to biblical events, affirming the authenticity of ancient Scripture. A famous example is the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which provided significant insights into the text and context of the Bible.

Scientific Insights

earth stars in space
Image Credit: Triff /

One of the most striking evidence of the Bible’s relevance is its alignment with scientific facts and insights. An example is Job 26:7, which describes Earth as being suspended in space. Some see this as surprisingly consistent with modern scientific concepts. This article provides more detailed information about ancient Biblical insights that precede modern science.

Context of Biblical Events

man reading the bible
Image Credit: Eli Murray /

Most of the events mentioned in the Bible were set against historically verifiable backgrounds, such as the Babylonian Exile. Aligning Bible accounts with historical records adds a layer of credibility to the biblical narrative.

Transformational Stories

a man speaking into a microphone
Image Credit: José Roberto Roquel /

Many Christians are passionate about sharing their personal testimonies of life change and healing through faith in Christ. This behavior suggests a powerful aspect of belief that is rooted in personal transformation and the impact of spiritual experiences.

Historical Figures

davids prayer for thanksgiving
Image Credit: Jacob Abshire /

The Bible mentions various prominent historical figures, such as King David and the Apostle Paul. Their lives and contributions are also documented in historical records, providing context and credibility to the biblical narrative.

Teachings of Jesus

divine teachings jesus sharing parables
Image Credit: FootageFoundHere /

Jesus’ teachings on different Christian values serve as guiding principles for many people today. These principles have had a lasting influence, resonating with many, regardless of their personal faith.

Miracles of Jesus

jesus heals jairus daughter
Image Credit: PhotoGranary /

Aside from His teachings, accounts of His miracles, such as healing the sick and raising the dead, are central to the Christian faith. These accounts are recorded in the New Testament and have been fundamental in shaping the faith of many believers.

Social Justice

court of law and justice
Image Credit: Gorodenkoff /

The Bible emphasizes caring for the poor and defending the oppressed. This advocacy for social justice aligns with many modern values and highlights the Bible’s relevance and significance in addressing societal issues.

The Love of God

woman holding bible close child of God redeemed
Image Credit: Image 1:27 /

The love of God is a powerful concept in the Bible that might make non-believers reconsider Christianity. The Bible describes this love as unconditional and sacrificial. For instance, John 3:16 says God gave His Son out of love for humanity. This profound love and its impact on believers might be worth exploring further.

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Vidivir is a dedicated high school teacher and a loving mother of three. With over a decade of experience as a blogger and article writer, she has honed her craft in storytelling. As a devoted church lector and servant of God, she combines her passion for writing with her faith, aiming to inspire others through her words.

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