Biblical Encouragement

12 Best Biblical Stories to Read if New to Reading the Bible 

Have you ever sat down with a Bible and wondered where to start? The Bible is a library of incredible narratives that have touched hearts, from stories of underdogs winning against impossible odds to tales of forgiveness that resonate deeply with the soul. These timeless stories have a way of connecting with us, whether we’re dealing with family drama, facing our fears, or searching for meaning in life.

For someone just starting their Bible journey, specific stories stand out like beacons, guiding the way through this ancient but ever-relevant text. These handpicked stories are like that friendly guide who shows you around a new city – they’re easy to follow, packed with “aha!” moments, and guaranteed to leave you wanting to explore more. 

Here are 12 perfect places to begin your adventure through the pages of Scripture.

Creation of the World 

god creation
Image Credit: KevinCarden /

Picture the ultimate “how it all began” story. This is where everything starts – the stars, oceans, animals, and humans. Reading about each day of creation in Genesis 1-2 feels like watching a master artist at work carefully adding each detail to a magnificent painting. What makes this story so captivating is how it shows that nothing in our world is random – every sunset, every creature, every person has a purpose. When you’re new to the Bible, this story helps you see the world through fresh eyes, making you notice the wonder in everything from morning dew to evening stars.

Noah’s Ark 

Noah's Ark vessel in the Genesis flood narrative by which God spares Noah, his family, and a remnant of all the world's animals from a world-engulfing flood
Image Credit: Javier Cruz Acosta /

Here’s a story that’s way more than just animals marching two-by-two. Imagine being Noah – building a massive boat while your neighbors think you’ve lost your mind. This story from Genesis 6:9 grabs you because it’s about the courage to stand alone when you believe in something. The flood, the animals, the rainbow – each part of the story carries powerful messages about second chances and new beginnings. It’s perfect for new readers because it shows how faith can take you through life’s storms, literally and figuratively.

David and Goliath 

david and goliath
Image Credit: Ontheroad /

Think of that moment when you felt outmatched – maybe at work, in school, or when facing a personal challenge. That’s what makes David’s story so relatable in 1 Samuel 17. Here’s this young shepherd boy, probably no taller than your average teenager, stepping up to face a warrior who’s a human tank. But instead of focusing on how giant Goliath is, David focuses on how big his God is. The story packs a punch because it shows us that courage isn’t about size or strength – it’s about facing your giants with faith, whether they’re actual, physical giants or just giant-sized problems in your life.

Daniel in the Lions’ Den 

daniels prayer far forgiveness in the lions den
Image Credit: FootageFoundHere /

Talk about a tough day at the office. Daniel’s story in Daniel 6 is about staying true to your beliefs when the pressure’s on to compromise. Thrown into a den of hungry lions because he wouldn’t stop praying to God, Daniel shows what unshakeable faith looks like. This story is unique for new readers because it deals with something we all face – standing up for what we believe in when it would be easier to go with the flow. Who doesn’t love a story where the good guy wins, and the bad guys get what’s coming to them?

Jonah and the Whale 

jonahs prayer for repentance
Image Credit: PhotoGranary /

Have you ever tried running away from responsibility? That’s Jonah’s story in the Book of Jonah, except his escape plan gets interrupted by a massive fish! This story is surprisingly funny and deeply human. Jonah is the most relatable prophet because he’s so stubborn. He throws what amounts to a divine temper tantrum when things don’t go his way. It’s perfect for new Bible readers because it shows that even biblical heroes had their not-so-heroic moments, and God can work with that.

The Birth of Jesus 

Baby Jesus in a manger
Image credit: KevinCarden /

This isn’t just another birthday story. It’s about how the extraordinary can appear in the most ordinary places. In Luke 2 and Matthew 1-2, a baby born in a barn becomes the most influential person in history. This story is remarkable because it brings together people from all walks of life – poor shepherds, wealthy wise men, young parents, and angels – around one world-changing event. It shows new readers how God can write straight with crooked lines, using unexpected people and places to do amazing things.

The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan
Image Credit: LUMO-The Gospels for the visual age /

Here’s a story that flips the script on who we consider “good” and who we think of as “neighbor.” It’s like a mirror that shows our prejudices and challenges us to improve. The story’s genius lies in its simplicity – helping someone in need isn’t complicated; it just costs time, money, or comfort. New readers connect with this story in Luke 10:25-37 because it’s practical; it’s not about complex theology but about simple kindness to others, especially those we might usually ignore or avoid.

The Battle of Jericho

joshua in traditional attire leading his army on the battlefield, symbolizing strength, leadership, and biblical conquest, with soldiers and shields in the background.
Image Credit: PhotoGranary /

The Battle of Jericho is one of the most unusual military victories ever recorded. Walking around a fortress and blowing trumpets seems like a strange battle strategy, yet it perfectly captures how God’s ways often defy conventional wisdom. This story from Joshua 6 speaks to anyone who has ever faced what seemed like an impossible obstacle. 

For new readers, it beautifully illustrates that victory sometimes comes through unexpected channels – not through traditional fighting or human strength but through simple, faithful obedience. The story connects deeply with those moments in life when we’re asked to trust in methods that seem strange or foolish by worldly standards, reminding us that God’s power works beyond our ordinary understanding of how things should work.

The Prodigal Son 

the prodigal son
Image Credit: KevinCarden /

Luke 15:11-32 is a story that hits home because it’s about family drama, which we all understand. It’s got everything: rebellion, regret, redemption, and even a jealous older sibling. It is powerful because it captures both the heartbreak of poor choices and the incredible power of forgiveness. When you’re new to reading the Bible, this story helps you understand God’s love in terms we can all relate to – the love of a parent who never stops watching for their child to come home.

Jesus Feeds the 5,000

jesus feeding the 5000
Image Credit: LUMO-The Gospels for the visual age /

Imagine being at a concert where nobody planned for food, and suddenly, one person’s lunch feeds everyone. This miracle story in Matthew 14:13-21 isn’t just about multiplication; it’s also about how God can take our “not enough” and turn it into “more than enough.” New readers love this story because it shows how small acts of generosity can lead to excellent results. It’s a reminder that no resource is too small to make a difference in God’s hands.

Easter Story

jesus at calvary on cross
Image Credit: ArtMediaWorx /

This is the ultimate comeback story – the moment that turned the world’s greatest tragedy into history’s greatest triumph. What makes this story powerful in Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20 for new readers is how it changed Jesus’s followers from hiding in fear to boldly sharing their faith. It’s about hope winning over despair, life conquering death, and love overcoming hate. The story resonates because we all need to believe that our darkest Friday can turn into a glorious Sunday.

The Fiery Furnace 

blazing furnace
Image Credit: Another77 /

Three friends facing a literal trial by fire – now that’s drama! Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego show us what it means to stand firm when the heat is on, literally and figuratively. For new Bible readers, this story in Daniel 3 perfectly illustrates how faith might not keep you from going into the fire but can help you through it. It’s about choosing integrity over safety and discovering that our most extensive tests sometimes become our most significant testimonies.

Walking Together Through Ancient Pages 

man read bible
Image Credit: Pearl /

These stories are like old friends waiting to be discovered – each one ready to share its wisdom, comfort, and challenge. They remind us that while our world looks very different from biblical times, the human heart hasn’t changed much. We still struggle with doubt, celebrate triumph, and long for purpose. Whether you’re picking up the Bible for the first time or returning after a long break, these stories offer a perfect place to start. They’re more than just ancient tales – they’re bridges connecting our modern lives to timeless truths.

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