
Praying with Purpose: How Intentionality Transforms Your Prayer Life

Woman praying with intention
Image credit: Bricolage /

Praying with intention is similar to talking sincerely, heart-to-heart, to a close friend who always listens and has your back. The conversation concerns you specifically and meaningfully in an exact way, whether you are looking for help when things get a little bit hard, asking whether you are making the right move, or thanking God for things that He has done in your life.

I know praying isn’t easy. However, it’s crucial because it creates a sense of peace knowing that our Father has heard us and is working it out for us.

When approached accordingly, prayer may bring light understanding, consolation, and intimacy as one expresses one’s mind, pain, joy, and wants to God. Prayer confirms to our souls that we have hope. 

When you pray with a purpose, you send a heartfelt order to God in faith, and He is willing to listen and respond. You could tell Him about what scares you or about your hopes or dreams, thus seeking another companion among the numerous challenges that come our way in life, such as pain, love, and happiness.

As you entrust your request into His hands and trust His timing, you may get answers and comfort or even think of alternatives that were previously unknown to you in one way or another.

When life gets tough, purposeful prayers can help you remain stronger in faith and endure more challenges. Whether you are praying for a sick loved one, seeking guidance in choosing a career, or just giving thanks to God, every prayer defines the true innermost feelings of our hearts.

During such periods, a feeling of calmness that arises from within overtakes us since our hearts open up, exposing us to joy, peace, and comfort. When I was sad, anxious, or worried at various points in my life, a sense of peace came to my heart when I prayed. It seemed like a heavy burden was lifted from my shoulders, and I felt better afterward. 

If you persevere in prayer for a reason, your communion with God may become deeper, just like a friendship that grows with time and common experiences. When you include things like Scripture, thanksgiving, and listening to His voice, this will not only enrich your prayer life but also help you gain a greater sense of confidence and nearness to God.

Just as friends provide assistance and motivation to one another while navigating difficult situations, we must reach out for encouragement and mentors. When one belongs to an intentional faith-based community or church, one’s devotion to praying with a purpose will be sustained, and one can also walk alongside others on their journey of faith. 

Friend, let us consider Jesus’s example of His prayer life. He always prayed with intention and trusted that God had heard Him.

Father, we ask that you teach us how to pray purposefully and in accordance with your will. Also, Father, create in us a heart that desires to always come to you in all circumstances and not to depend on our own understanding. Amen.  

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Susan is a mother of four beautiful babies and a born-again Christian. She took over Hope No Matter What in 2024 and enjoys sharing her knowledge of the goodness and faithfulness of God. Her passion is to bring hope and encouragement to others, and she prays that by sharing her knowledge and personal story, she can inspire others to find enlightenment in God's word.