Biblical Encouragement

15 Disturbing Signs of the Last Days, According to the Bible

Many Christians look around them at the craziness happening in our world today and are convinced it is the end. From the Old Testament to the New, the Bible foretells a day when the earth’s corruption will end. These prophecies speak to a succession of events that are catastrophic in their intensity, leading to the end time, an elementary world filled with peace and things we all hope for. This journey, from Isaiah’s prophecies to the vivid imagery in Revelation and many passages in between, forms what theologians call “eschatology,” the study of the end times.

The End Times

Apocalyptic dramatic image, doomsday event concept. Glowing full moon and planet Nibiru in dark red sky above black mountains and sea
Image Credit: IgorZh /

The sad fact is that the world as we know it will end. When it does, many people will be caught off guard. This is why Jesus and New Testament writers stress readiness. They give hints and signs that show the end is near.

But how close is it? No one knows exactly. The warning of the Apostle Paul to Timothy about the last days is not a prophecy of distant times but a relevant challenge for our day. The behaviors Paul describes in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 almost echo many of the trends and attributes we find at every turn in the world around us.

In this list, we’ll break down each side he mentions and explore how it manifests in modern culture.

Lovers of Themselves

self love man true to self
Image Credit: Khosro /

We live in an age where the focus stays on the self. Self-aggrandizement, over and above everything else—from the invariable self-serving culture to the present-day obsession with personal branding—has shifted away from the community towards individualism. Self-promotion often outshines self-sacrifice.

Lovers of Money

excited ,surprised woman hold money ,win lottery, love pf money
Image Credit: Dean Drobot /

Success is so often equated with material wealth. We strive for bigger houses, better cars, and more extravagant lifestyles at the expense of spiritual and relational lives. Greed has become a driving force, pushing out contentment and generosity.


Smug Selfish Vain Woman Pointing to Herself. Presumptuous vain egotistic arrogant person being overconfident and insufferable full of herself
Image Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu /

The culture of boasting has reached an all-new high, thanks to social media. It feels as if everyone builds perfect pictures to show the rest of the world what they have achieved, in what they have invested, or the size of their influence. Any remnants of real humility have given way to a need for more and more followers, likes, and admiration.


Proud woman looking in the mirror
Image credit: Nicoleta Ionescu /

Pride today wears a new mask, camouflaged by ambition and achievement. Most individuals place more importance on being “self-made” than on the grace and provision of God. There is a shift from reliance on God to a reliance on human effort and intellect. Social media further catalyzes this by promoting image crafting and comparison, and pride in their intellect places human reasoning over divine wisdom.

Success has become the gauge for one’s worth, whether or not spiritual growth has taken place. Correction and even vulnerability are fought because they are perceived as weaknesses instead of opportunities to grow. This reflects a more general shift from God-centered dependency to the glorification of man’s efforts and accomplishments.


man tossing away bible
Image Credit: Prixel Creative /

Entertainments often ridicule or marginalize the sacred, and casual conversations certainly do. In this age, respect for God and biblical truth have been set aside, and far too many no longer fear dishonoring God. Casual language and irreverent attitudes toward faith are the social norms.

Disobedient to Parents

Shocked grandma closing ears not to hear noisy stubborn fussy little granddaughter screaming demanding attention, preschool spoiled kid girl yelling
Image Credit: fizkes /

The family structure breaks down when respect for parents and the elderly diminishes. More and more young people are turning away from traditional values for independence without guidance. The generation gap gets bigger when rebellion is encouraged over honor.


Woman Refusing a Flower Bouquet from an Unwanted Suitor. Upset unforgiving girl not accepting the apology gesture of her admirer
Image Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu /

Gratitude seems to be fading, and has instead been replaced by downright entitlement. Most focus on what they don’t have instead of what they have. This dissatisfaction normally invites more consumption with less contentment.


Naughty nun with cigarette drinking wine,unholy
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot /

Societal standards of what is acceptable continue to change, and the concept of holiness has become quite foreign. What was once considered wrong is often celebrated today. The same bloodline that once separated right from wrong has created moral confusion.


Marriage problems young couple growing apart having communication issues
Image Credit: TeodorLazarev /

Genuine love is substituted by superficial relationships and shallow connections. Empathy is increasingly absent, as many prioritize convenience over commitment. The breakdown of deeper sacrificial love has left many feeling isolated.


Woman Refusing a Flower Bouquet from an Unwanted Suitor. Upset unforgiving girl not accepting the apology gesture of her admirer
Image Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu /

Some people view forgiveness as a weakness; this has come to enhance grudges and broken relations. The urge for revenge or vindication is growing, while reconciliation has become uncommon in personal and public disputes.


women lying,telling amazing secret,shocked with news,gossiping
Image Credit: Antonio Guillem /

Gossip and the desire to tear others down have become theater. Lying rumors spread like wildfire, destroying reputations and leaving hurt feelings in their wake. The media most usually feeds off of sensationalism, perpetuating slander through stories.

Without Self-Control

depressed,lonely,sad,frustrated,crying man
Image Credit: yamasan0708 /

Impulsive decisions dominate a culture that ever encourages “following your heart” regardless of the consequences. Whether through binge eating, overspending, or habits injurious to one’s health, the restraint that once guided previous generations seems less important.


angry vengeful men fighting
Image Credit: Studio Romantic /

Cruelty has been celebrated in movies, games, and even real life. The desensitization of brutality has grown from online bullying to violent acts. Aggression overshadows compassion, and kindness is mistakenly perceived as a weakness.

Despisers of Good 

An young mixed race man points to someone, laughing out loud. Comedic situtation or mocking a person. Outdoor background
Image Credit: MDV Edwards /

Goodness and godliness are loudly mocked or subtly belittled. Virtues like honesty, purity, and kindness, when expressed, are usually viewed as ultra-conservative or foolish. Many are quick to criticize and slow to praise what is genuinely good.

Lovers of Pleasure Rather Than Lovers of God 

drunk man sitting at the counter in a pub or a bar and drinking beer,alcohol
Image Credit: Dean Drobot /

The pursuit of pleasure has become the ultimate goal for many. From endless entertainment to an indulgent lifestyle, the desire for instant gratification overshadows spiritual discipline. Many chase after temporal joy rather than eternal satisfaction in God. 

Stand Firm 

man praying hands clasped hoping for best asking for forgiveness or miracle isolated gray wall background. Human emotion facial
Image Credit: pathdoc /

Paul’s prophetic words were set as part and parcel of warning to Timothy, but to us today, these signs are an encouragement to stay relevant in faith, choose another route, and be that light unto the world that has oft strayed from God. It is a call to leave counter-culturally by loving God and others, practicing gratitude, and holding on to what is good against the world’s wishes. 

We are called to be watchful, discerning believers prepared to stand firm when challenges arise. We do not place our hope in the shifting tides of the world but in the unchanging promises of God. At a time in history when many are searching for answers, our lives should reflect the hope, peace, and stability that result from a relationship with Christ.

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Susan is a mother of four beautiful babies and a born-again Christian. She took over Hope No Matter What in 2024 and enjoys sharing her knowledge of the goodness and faithfulness of God. Her passion is to bring hope and encouragement to others, and she prays that by sharing her knowledge and personal story, she can inspire others to find enlightenment in God's word.

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