The last words of Jesus Christ on the cross are more than just a painful moment in history. The seven phrases He spoke summarize not only His mission but the depth of His love for humanity. Each one of these statements says volumes about eternal truths that shape our faith and carry a profound lesson for every believer.
The following are the lessons that can be drawn from Jesus’s last words and their importance for eternity.
When Forgiveness Transforms Lives
“Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” – Luke 23:34
In His most excruciating moment, Jesus chose to forgive those who crucified Him. It teaches us that the heart of the gospel is forgiveness. It’s a divine act that transforms not only the forgiven but also the forgiver. Jesus’ example challenges us to extend forgiveness, even in the face of great hurt.
Salvation Is by Grace Alone
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in paradise.” – Luke 23:43
Jesus promised the repentant thief paradise, thereby showing that salvation does not depend on works but on faith in Christ and that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace, nor too late to turn to Him.
Love Carries Responsibility
“When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” – John 19:26-27
Even in agony, Jesus took the time to care for His mother, making sure she would be taken care of when He was gone. This love teaches us to prioritize our duties concerning those we love, just as His selfless compassion did.
The Weight of Sin Is Heavy
“My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” – Matthew 27:46
In this cry, Jesus is separated from God as He bears the sins of the world. This emphasizes how atrocious the consequence of sin is and how incredibly costly our redemption was. It is a reminder of the seriousness of sin and the depth of His sacrifice.
Jesus Understands Human Suffering
“I am thirsty.” – John 19:28
These few words speak volumes of Jesus’s humanity. He suffered in His body and experienced thirst, which shows that He is aware of our suffering and pain. He is a companion in our suffering, empathizing with and comforting us.
The Mission Is Complete
“It is finished.” – John 19:30
With these words, Jesus declared the completion of His work of redemption. His sacrifice fully paid the price for sin and opened the way for humanity to be reconciled to God. This triumph assures us that we must no longer strive for salvation—it is a finished work.
Trust God with Your Life
“Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.” Luke 23:46
In His final moments, Jesus showed complete confidence in God. This invites us to surrender every aspect of our lives to God, knowing that He is sovereign over life and death.
Forgiveness Is a Lifestyle
Jesus’ prayer of forgiveness showed unlimited mercy from His heart. This, to His followers, calls us to live lives of forgiveness in order to continue showing His grace to those around us.
Grace Extends to All
The thief’s salvation reminds us that God’s grace can reach anyone. We are, therefore, obliged to share the gospel boldly, knowing that God’s mercy can reach even the most broken.
Love Is Active, Even in Pain
On the cross, Jesus took care of His mother. He showed love was active even in personal suffering, and that’s a challenge for us to look beyond our struggles so we might serve.
God Knows Our Pain
Jesus’ cry of abandonment reassures us that God understands those moments of despair. He invites us to bring our struggles to Him, knowing He is present even in the most desperate moments.
Sin Has a Cost
The separation Jesus endured speaks to the great cost of sin. It reminds us of the profound gift of salvation and compels us to turn away from sin and toward God’s holiness.
We Need Living Water
Jesus’ thirst indicates the more profound spiritual thirst of the human race. Only Jesus—the Living Water—can satisfy the soul’s need to quench its longing. Entice yourself daily to seek Him for renewal and sustenance.
Victory Is Certain
When Jesus said, “It is finished,” He declared victory over sin, death, and darkness. We can live with confidence, knowing that His sacrifice secured our eternal destiny.
Surrender Leads to Peace
Jesus’ last words of trust to the Father remind us to entrust every season of our life into God’s hands. We can go through life either in joy or in trial, knowing our lives are submitted to His perfect will.
Eternal Words for Every Believer
The final words of Jesus Christ on the cross are more than profound statements of His mission. They are a window into the depths of His heart, the seriousness of our sin, and the boundless nature of God’s love.
These seven sayings, spoken in the agony of His crucifixion, carry eternal truths that shape our faith and invite us to live with purpose.
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Susan is a mother of four beautiful babies and a born-again Christian. She took over Hope No Matter What in 2024 and enjoys sharing her knowledge of the goodness and faithfulness of God. Her passion is to bring hope and encouragement to others, and she prays that by sharing her knowledge and personal story, she can inspire others to find enlightenment in God's word.