Christian Living

The Benefits of Following God’s Commands: 10 Ways It Enhances Your Life

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Following God’s commandments isn’t just about obedience; it’s about unlocking many blessings that profoundly enrich our lives. From forgiveness of sins to experiencing boundless joy, each aspect of following God’s commandments offers unique advantages that shape our spiritual journey and enhance our relationship with Him. Here are 10 of my favorites.

Forgiveness of Sins

All prophets testify that belief in His name leads to the forgiveness of sins.

Abundance of Joy

Christ’s wish for His followers is to experience joy to the fullest. He promises joy that endures, untouched by anyone.

Gift of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit glorifies Christ and shares His teachings.

Father’s Affection

Those who love and obey Christ receive love from the Father, and Christ and the Father make their home with them.

Bearing Abundant Fruit

Remaining in Christ leads to bearing abundant fruit and embodies the fruit of the Spirit.

Freedom from Darkness

Belief in Christ ensures freedom from dwelling in darkness.

Attaining Wisdom

Seeking God for wisdom brings abundant understanding, and applying Christ’s teachings builds a strong foundation.

Becoming Holy and Blameless

In Christ, believers are chosen to be blameless and holy before God and adopted as His children.

Living in Liberty

The presence of the Lord signifies freedom and liberty.

Answered Prayers

Christ assures those who ask, seek, and knock will receive answers to their prayers.

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Susan is a mother of four beautiful babies and a born-again Christian. She took over Hope No Matter What in 2024 and enjoys sharing her knowledge of the goodness and faithfulness of God. Her passion is to bring hope and encouragement to others, and she prays that by sharing her knowledge and personal story, she can inspire others to find enlightenment in God's word.